What is pencil sketch image
A Sketch is a rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended as a finished work.Sketches can be made in any drawing medium.such as silverpoint, graphite, pencil, charcoal or pastel. It may also apply to drawings executed in pen and ink, digital input such as a digital pen, ballpoint pen, marker pen, water colour and oil paint. A sketch usually done with pencil is called pencil sketch. 

Drawing material needed for pencil sketch image 
Pencil Sharpener

How to hold pencil for sketching

If you position your hand closer to the end of the pencil, you have more control and precision, but heavier strokes (darker markings)
If you position your hand closer to the top of the pencil, you have more swing and shading, but lighter strokes (lighter markings)

Types of pencils for sketching 
There are pencils which range from the lightest to the darkest. Usually these pencils are used for shading in the sketch. We can also do shading with a single pencil by applying the required amount of pressure at the right place.
Pencil shades are classified according to their softness/hardness.
The letters ‘H’ and ‘B’ are used to indicate the softness/hardness of a pencil. H stands for Hardness. B stands for Blackness.
There are different types of pencils ranging from 9H to 9B, 9H being the Hardest and 9B being the Softest. The common writing pencil we use day to day is HB which lies in the middle of the figure above.
The types of pencils to be used for sketching can be all of the above or only some depending on your needs.

Use of Hard pencils:
The harder pencils (9H-H) are used for drawing rough outlines at the start of your sketching. You will get very light shades using these pencils because a small amount of lead is pressed and applied against paper. These lines can be easily erased. So, this pencil can be used for drawing outlines and for filling the lighter shades of drawing is the H range of pencils.

Use of Soft pencils:
The softer pencils (B-9B) are used for drawing darker parts of the drawing. These pencils have soft leads which mean more amount of lead is pressed and applied against the paper. These pencils are used for darker shades on the paper. The parts drawn using these pencils are hard to erase.

Types of shading 
Finger blend

Types of blending

  • Finger Blending
  • Tissue paper blending
  • Blending using stumps
  • Blending using cotton balls
  • Blending using cloth

What kind of paper for sketching 
You also need to decide on what type of paper you’re going to be use for drawing. The best thing to use for pencil sketching is an artist’s pad. Get a cheap one to start off with. These have Extra thick back board for Support and Natural Shade that makes colours come alive. These generally have 50 -100 sheets in a pad. These are available in art supply and hobby stores and they come in different types that are intended for different ways of drawing or painting. For pencil sketching, a lightweight, fine-tooth paper works well but if you want a more rugged appearance to your drawing, you might want to go with medium texture paper instead. You can also used A4 sized paper with higher GSM and tooth or rugged surface.

Pencil sketching basics
Practice the below which are the very basics of pencil sketching.

  • Lines 
  • Shapes 
  • Proportion 
  • Light , tones and shadow 

Contour drawing 
 If you can draw accurately and depict the contour of an object you will be able to reproduce things that have irregular shapes much more easily. Drawing contours is difficult for everyone at first but it gets better with practice. Try to draw things like shapes, lamp, flower vase, cup, chair etc   with simple bases that have irregular shapes until you get good at it.

Drawing in Perspective
Drawing in perspective is another important aspect for an artist. In pictures, depicting an object close up will require drawing it larger than if you were placing it farther away in the background of the picture. This illusion is known as perspective. Being able to draw in perspective will show the viewer where the object you are drawing should be in three-dimensional space. You can use a small stick or pencil for measuring approximately the size.

My pencil sketch images
